Saturday, March 20, 2010

taking things for granted

The undescribable feeling is back again.I just dislike this feeling.The feeling of bitterness has filled me once again.I really do not know how to describe this feeling.It is just undescribable.I realised i've been taking things for granted many many times.The commitment of Change doesnt exist in me.WHy??I've been given second chance to change and not to repeat the same mistakes and actions but somehow i took the second chance for granted.And whenever i realise it,i feel regretted of what i've done,my actions.what is wrong with me?i totally not realise of what im doing.I promise to myself to be conscious of what im doing but somehow things doesnt work that way.I do not want to lose such a friendship due to the things i've taken for granted.I just feel so bad.I pray that God will show me the way to overcome this feeling.i really wanna change and not to repeat the same things.I don't want to keep taking chances that given to me for granted.i just want to say i'm truly sorry although i've said it many times.i want to appreciate it.This might be another emotional post here but this is how i can actually pour out my undescribable feelings.

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