Friday, May 16, 2008

Exams over

Mid term exams are finally over guess im gonna fail every of my subject.Today did not go to school because of my laziness.Slept at 2 something in the morning then woke up at 2pm 12 hours+.hehe..I just saw the video of the earthquake in China.I felt so sad for the peoples in China.I wonder y this disaster happened to this earth..well guess thats no answer for it.i feel so sad for those innocent peoples that involve in the disaster.Their lives were just ended like that.Well we cant predict the future n we wouldnt know what will happen tomorrow.I understand that god send all this to the earth because many people had done evil things n this is our punishment.So i cant blame god by sending this disaster to kill many of the innocent lives.n this is the sign of our world is ending.n He is coming.Well for all reader,hope u all can spend sometime to pray for those in China who is suffering.And this is one of the video of the disaster.

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